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EIS student Archits's talk is available on TED channel.


EIS student Archits's talk is available on TED channel.

Topic - "Bully Victim" by Archit Adate (Std 8-A)

Archit talks about how as a victim of bullying he surfaced and came out of this. It helps us to know how even a young kid can be bullied and how our positive thoughts can make us strong to overcome it.

Archit is very lively and spontaneous boy in the class. He is passionate about cricket and loves to given opinion on everything that he knows under the Sun.

TED-Ed, TED's education initiative, inspires tomorrow's TED speakers and future leaders by supporting students in discovering, developing and sharing their big ideas in the form of short, TED-style talks. In the TED-Ed Student Talk program, students work together to discuss and celebrate creative ideas.

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