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Learning Rejuvenation at EIS


EIS Virtual Learning Framework is not about finishing the syllabus and burdening children with long hours in front of screens.

Hence to make online classes more lucrative and interesting, EIS has introduced a Learning Rejuvenation period in between the academics time table of Online classes everyday.

This short time period consists of music, dance, yoga, some practical experiments,fun facts, riddles , puzzles, quizzes, and many more.

It adds an opportunity for students to relax, learn skills, and experience something that could rejuvenate them. It also increases the student engagement due to creativity, happiness and overall social and emotional well being to enrich the overall growth.

Here's LR activity for Std 5 - B. Looking at the pictures, students framed as many questions they could in a time frame of 30 seconds. Student with highest number of Questions won the round.

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