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EIS student Nivedita's talk is available on TED channel.


EIS student Nivedita's talk is available on TED channel.

Topic - "How Education is beneficial" by Nivedita K. (Std 8-A)

Nivedita speaks how the education can help us to make our selves better. She highlights the fact that education is must and important for everyone to survive and grow in life. It broadens your perspective towards life.

Nivedita is a grade 8 student. Being a teenager, she has been amazing to embrace the culture change in the countries viz: USA and India, that includes the education system, friends, weather etc as well.

TED-Ed, TED's education initiative, inspires tomorrow's TED speakers and future leaders by supporting students in discovering, developing and sharing their big ideas in the form of short, TED-style talks. In the TED-Ed Student Talk program, students work together to discuss and celebrate creative ideas.

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