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Affiliated to CISCE (ICSE Board) New Delhi - Code: MA262

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The fact that knowledge is constructed by the child implies that curriculum, syllabus and textbooks should enable the teacher in organizing classroom experiences in consonance with the child's nature and environment, and thus providing opportunities for all children, Teaching at Educon International School is aimed at enhancing children's natural desire and strategies to learn. Knowledge is distinguished from information, and teaching is seen as a professional activity, not as coaching for memorization or as transmission of facts. Activity is the heart of the child's attempt to make sense of the world around him/her. Therefore, every resource is deployed to enable children to express themselves, handle objects, explore their natural and social milieu, and to grow up healthy.

Key Differentials

Curriculum for Excellence based on Holistic Well being Pedagogy blended with ICSE Pattern

Education for Global Citizenship

Immersion Teaching Methodology 

Play based International Curriculum for Pre School

Personalized Learning - 20:1 Student - Teacher Ratio

Well Trained & Competent Teachers

Lego Education Integrated with Curriculum

Experiential Learning Modules

Well Defined Learning Outcomes

Regular Parent Teacher Interactions And Professional Development Workshops

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    Children master the basic structure related to listening and speaking and use the language orally for daily communication needs. The multilingual character of Indian society is as a resource to promote multilingual proficiency in every child, which includes proficiency in English. Reading and writing, listening and speech, contribute to the child's progress in all curricular areas and is the basis for curriculum planning. Emphasis on reading throughout the primary classes is necessary to give every child a solid foundation for school learning. Special attention is paid to the improvement of pronunciation with correct modulation of voice along with good handwriting and correct spelling.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    Learning of mathematics lays foundation about numerical and spatial aspects of the objects and activities. The child masters basic vocabulary, symbolism and computational skills related numbers, geometrical figures, money, time, measurement of length, mass, volume etc. And be able to apply them to day to day problems in his/her immediate environment. They also develop simple drawing skills and measuring skills. The teaching of mathematics should enhance the child's resources to think and reason, to visualize and handle abstractions, to formulate and solve problems. This broad spectrum of aims is covered by teaching relevant and important mathematics embedded in the child's experience. Succeeding in mathematics is seen as the right of every child. For this, widening its scope and relating it to other subjects is essential.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    The major trust in Class I and II is to encourage children to observe and explore their immediate environment. In the later years the child is helped to discover and understand the scientific facts, concepts, principles and processes underlying various phenomena. The child is encouraged to systematically observe and explore things, formulate precise questions, record and classify observations, collect information and analyse it and draw conclusion. To make his / her observation precise, skill of measuring length, area, volume, time, temperature, etc are taught and developed.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    The study of social sciences at the upper primary stage is comprised of the study of history, geography, civics and contemporary issues and problems. At the secondary stage, it incorporates elements of history, geography, civics and economics to promote an understanding of contemporary India and the world.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    Art as a subject covers all four major spheres, i.e. Music, Dance, Visual/Performing arts. The emphasis is on interactive approaches, not instruction, because the goal of art education is to promote aesthetic and personal awareness and the ability to express oneself in different forms.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    This area focuses on the holistic health of the learner and the community, thereby establishing the important place of mental and emotional, as well as physical health. In physical education, sports and games, the emphasis is given to indigenous traditional games. Furthermore, as a system which promotes the integral development of body and mind. These areas are treated as an integral curriculum component.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    At our School we have integrated information technology into schooling. We teach students to communicate about basic components, work co-operatively in classrooms, practice responsible use of devices, etc. The computing facilities are driven solely by curricular needs.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    Theme One: Introduction To The Concepts Of Life Skills And Life Skills Education
    Theme Two: Skills Of Knowing And Living With Oneself

    • Topic 1: Self Awareness

    • Topic Two: Self Esteem

    • Topic Three: Assertiveness

    • Topic Four: Coping With Emotions

    • Topic Five: Coping With Stress

    Theme Three: Skills Of Knowing And Living With Others

    • Topic One: Relating with Others

    • Topic Two: Negotiation

    • Topic Three: Empathy

    • Topic Four: Managing Peer Relationships

    • Topic Five: Effective Communication

    • Topic six: Non-violent Conflict Resolution

    Theme Four: life skills for making effective decisions

    • Topic One: Creative Thinking

    • Topic Two: Critical Thinking

    • Topic Three: Decision Making

    • Topic Four: Problem Solving

    Theme Five: Application Of Life Skills In The World Of Work

    • Topic One: Life skills as a tool for identifying alternatives of earning a living

    • Topic Two: Life skills as a tool for making successful entrepreneurs

    Theme Six: Life Skills As A Tool For Making Good Leaders

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    Educon International School has considered the limitations of the existing evaluation system, which relies mostly on one shot, end of the year impact evaluation. At Educon International School evaluation is treated as an integral part of the classroom teaching / learning process. Furthermore, evaluations, conducted periodically, provide the type of feedback on student achievement that enable teachers to improve their methodology, if required.

    Educon International Schoolis guided by 5 Principles

    (I) Connecting knowledge to life outside the school.

    (ii) Ensuring that learning shifts away from rote methods.

    (iii) Enriching the curriculum so that it goes beyond textbooks.

    (iv) Making examinations more flexible and integrating them with classroom life

    (v) Nurturing an overriding identity informed by caring concerns within the democratic polity of the country.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    The team of zealous, committed, professionally enriched, educators synergies the children to excel in their learning abilities. Their innovative methods and communication skills are constantly upgraded at the numerous workshops that they attend incorporating advancement of the learning process.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    Knowledge based education influences the brain and value based education influences the heart. The life skill programme is interweaved into the curriculum. It helps children inherit universal values like fearlessness, purity of mind, patriotism and truth. Discussions on life management skills, improving the power of concentration and self confidence are held during these activities.

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    "Excellence in Education" Educon International School has always strived for its mission statement. In fast changing interdependent world, we believe that education for global citizenship is essential in the lives of children and young people are increasingly shaped by what happens in other parts of the world. Education for Global Citizenship gives them the knowledge, understanding, skills & values that they are to participate fully in ensuring their own, and others well-being and to make a positive contribution both locally and globally.

    Education for global citizenship is good education because it involves children & young people fully in their own learning through the use of wide range of active and participatory learning methods. These engage the learner while developing confidence, self-esteem & skills of critical thinking, communication, co-operation & conflict resolution

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